A Scanner Darkly

I teamed up with The Folio Society to create the cover and 7 internal artworks for Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly. The illustrations showcase key scenes from the novel, capturing the essence of this award-winning science fiction work and bringing its narrative to life through visual art.



Publisher: The Folio Society
Art Director: Raquel Leis Allion

'Once a guy stood all day shaking bugs from his hair. The doctor told him there were no more bigs in his hair. After he had taken a shower for eight hours, standing under hot water hour after hour suffering the pain of the bugs, he got out and dried himself, and he still had bugs in his hair; in fact, he had bugs all over him. a month later he had bugs in his lungs.'

A Scanner Darkly Philip K Dick Artwork Book
A Scanner Darkly Philip K Dick Artwork Book

'The creature had many eyes, all over it, ultra-modern expensive looking clothing, and
rose up eight feet high.'

A Scanner Darkly Philip K Dick Artwork Book

'She exhaled great grey forceful jets of hash smoke into him, filling him with her own hot and bold and incorrigible energy.'

A Scanner Darkly Philip K Dick Artwork Book

'Jerry fabin's brain as the fucked-over wiring of the cephalochromoscope: wires cut, shorts, wires twisted, parts overloaded and no good, line surges, smoke, and a bad smell.'

A Scanner Darkly Philip K Dick Artwork Book

Linework Variant.

A Scanner Darkly Philip K Dick Artwork Book

'Once within the scramble suit, one cannot be identified by voice or even by technological voiceprint, or by appearance. he looks, does he not, like a vague blur and nothing more?'

'It's only a seven-speed bike. now i count eight. six in the front, two in the back. but it should be ten.'